
  1. Henry Morgan

    xF1 Add-on XenForo Resource Manager 1.2.4 Released

    Changes to support the new HTML5 uploader in XenForo 1.5.12. Fix ignored users still receiving alerts when mentioned in a resource update or if a resource was posted/updated by an ignored user while watched. Fix a specific situation where an option to delete an author's review response would...
  2. Henry Morgan

    xF2 Add-on XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.3

    Some of the changes in XFES 2.1.3 include: Fix a situation where XFES would not properly report when stemming or stopword filters were enabled.
  3. Henry Morgan

    xF2 Add-on Brivium - Support Ticket System 3.2.1

    This add-on provides you with an advanced ticket system that allows you to manage your clients’ issues, including in Featuring threaded discussions, Completing with staff groups, Ticket flagging, Varying priority levels, Predefined replies, Escalated rules and much more... Administrators are...
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